
The installation Aqueduct is located in Louna vil￾lage of the famous Wanfenglin scenic spot in Guizhou Province. The village has tourism resourc￾es. Louna receives new developing opportunities because large numbers of tourists come here. If we adopt the method and experience of building cities for Louna, then further violence of the village must happen.

Villagers still live the most natural and simple life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Tourists visit the Wanfenglin during daytime, and come back to the village in evenings, and there￾fore they have no time and energy to communi￾cate with local people, in which the very problem of rural tourism lies.

With the modernization of agriculture, the function of aqueducts has decreased, but the aq￾ueducts were used to be the artery of traditional agricultural civilization. I noticed there was a wind￾ing aqueduct in the rice field of center of Louna. The aqueduct, a complete jungle, has been laid aside for a long time. If illumining the aqueduct, the installation can be the lighting fixture outside of the village, meanwhile the original ecological environment wouldn’t be changed.

The aqueduct through the rice field became a carrier of the creation. Firstly, the aqueduct was refilled water, then LED fixtures were installed to form a lighting aqueduct. The installation can
guide the tourists to cross the field to visit the lo￾cal families, and the local villagers can also come to the sides of the aqueduct. The installation has brought new opportunities to the communications between tourists and villagers, changed the sit￾uation during nighttime in the village, shaped the spirit of the place, and created a new lifestyle for the locals.

Although rural construction has attracted close attention, and policies and capitals have been transitioned to the countryside, there is a distinct difference between the urban and the rural area. The lightened aqueduct serves as the warning yellow light to remind that we need thorough consideration to discover what the countryside needs from urban civilization and what the rural area rejects. The installation was exact my statement to villages like Louna. I used yellow light to express warning of intervening villages excessively.